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God, we give thanks for the pioneers of the human race, who believed that we could travel on the waters, and did not rest until they had made boats; who believed that we could travel in a horseless chariot, and laboured through difficulty and scorn until an engine was built; who believed that we could fly, and persevered until at last the air was conquered; who believed that space was open to our exploration, and built rockets and capsules with great daring.
We thank you for those in the world today who believe that cancer can be banished, and poverty and war abolished, and leisure and education and comfort provided freely for all.
Bless these bold spirits; strengthen their hearts and their arms. Save us from ever scoffing, and may we share their faith and lend our aid towards the accomplishments of the new triumphs which you have put into the dreams and hopes of humankind.
S.G. Hedges (adapted)